drawing of a mother holding her baby

‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’

Matthew Chapter 19 verse 14 ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’

How can you catch
cancer early?

CHOC: Early warning signs

ALL The little moments

A father caressing his pregnant wife

Preparing to meet baby

Well done for getting this far, now a new chapter begins. Fill out our info sheet and give us a call to get started.

I'll be present at your Delivery
INFO Sheet
A young boy holding his newborn sibling

Welcoming baby home

Honeymoon phase is over :) the real work begins, but you can do it. We are here to support and equip you.

Call us if you need a hand
Call me
A mother learning to breastfeed her newborn

Managing feeds

Breastfeeding is challenging for ALL MOMS. It's technical - if you haven't had support to begin with or you need support we are passionate about breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding support, releasing of tongue ties
Call me
A baby falling asleep on her mother

When the night has come

Baby's sleep-wake cycle is starts off reversed... that's why baby is awake at night and asleep during the day.

Assistance with planning sleep training
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A father playing with his infant son

Showing baby the world

Travel is not restricted, depending on which areas you are visiting with baby.

Contact us for help planning travel
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A little girl playing with her infant sister

Developing with baby

It’s is important to arrive at all your scheduled Paediatrician appointments. They are there to uncover or illuminate important milestones.

Developmental screening
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A child with a bandage on their shoulder

The bumps and bruises

It's only a matter of time... Supervision is mandatory.

Assistance with the little accidents and injuries
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A smiling little boy

All grown up

I consult for a child of any age up to 18 years old.

You're never too old to need assistance
Call me

There are places in the heart you don’t even know exist until you love a child.

Anne Lamott


My passions are lactation, toungue ties, maternal wellbeing and infant allergy care. Here's a bit about my journey:


University of Capetown

Completed my Medical training


My first child

My first son was born via natural delivery


Becoming a Specialist

Pursuing my dream of specialising in Paediatrics


My second child

My second son was born via natural delivery at Genesis Maternity


Completing advanced studies

Passed my exams and obtained my masters degree


My third child

The birth of my daughter via natural delivery


Joining the Genesis Team

I believe in their values and have no regrets

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